Dealing With Living In A Pandemic World - Justica Anima

Dealing With Living In A Pandemic World

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Dealing With Living In A Pandemic World

The novel coronavirus pandemic got us all fussy and anxious so much that many things has being shutdown. Even my notepad and blogging tools have all taken time off to rest for a while. In today’s post, I don’t intend to take most of your time and so like always, I’d keep it short and simple. Here are a few things to measure how far you’re going with this year. Read this in order to check your growth and losses for the year.

I would like to think that most of us have explored the SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis technique in their business operations. Oxford Dictionary describes it as a study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats. 

How to analyse

Many of us have been wondering how we can turn our frustrations about the pandemic into something meaningful and I am here to discuss a few ways we can do that. To start with, we must analyse the basic things first and find answers to a few questions. Ask yourself some of these questions. Has the outbreak of coronavirus affected your life? How has it exposed your shortcomings as an individual or our weaknesses as a community? Is there a possibility that the quarantine has birthed certain opportunities we could take up or should be mindful of? 

A self introspection will give us more room to free ourselves and to plan ahead. We become mentally stronger and better prepared for any personal or economic decisions which we are likely to face due to the pandemic. When we are able to tick all the boxes right, we are better aligned with subconscious mind.

The Master plan

In brief, draw a masterplan for keep the next quarter of the year. Priotize and tackle the most important activities in your life by initiating and completing set goals. Also, Remember to set time to meditate and then assess your efforts for the week to gauge your progress. Finally, make it a point to reward yourself for your achievement and learn to minimize your mistakes in order to avoid future setbacks.


For your analysis, it is always good practice to concentrate on what you find the most focus important things in your life at the moment. Is it your job, your family or your relationship? Trying to attend to everything at once can be frustrating, therefore choose to focus more on one thing, and then move on to the next thing on your priority list. For instance, once you get better at your job, you can shift focus on building a better relationship with your partner, and vice versa.

Covid19 is here with us but it will surely pass. Maintain a disciplined frame of mind, as well as a healthy body. Remain cautious and be mindful of your actions. 

I need you alive and so does your family and friends. Do comment on your progress and achievements with me in the comments session.

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