Sea Never Dry - Justica Anima
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Sea Never Dry

“There’s someone you can fight for; there’s something you can do outside of yourself that makes your community better, makes your school better, makes your family better. Find your cause and you’ll find favor.” -Joel Osteen

I read this inscription behind a taxi just when I was feeling down and tired. ‘Sea Never Dry’, it read. I had to smile. A word of assurance maybe, for my many woes. Busy life. Bad experiences. Tired feet. Still, sea never dry.

Good morning from a happy place. Last night was a bit slow. Hectic day and all and yet we’re up again. Back to the grind and hustle. They say women never have to bother their heads over the hard stuff. Well, some of us are still cracking it up because until we do, nothing really changes around us.

Sea never dry huh?

I’d agree. Just imagining if the sea really dries up. Whoa! The fishes, the boats, the ship bringing all the amazing stuff to us from ‘abrokyire’ (to wit abroad). What will happen to these things? I daresay, we will all be doomed. Just think about it.

There is indeed abundance in the universe for us all. We all have just what we need in excess supply. The tools, the network and support, the resources, everything! One just has to open their mindseye to the vast opportunities available to them. Just search deep within and tap into the untapped wealth around you.

Until we have an abundance mind, we will always cower and settle for the crumbs. Let that not be our story; that we came and settled in. We must therefore stretch out our hands and reach out for the many great and positive things that surrounds us. Take up space. Do the big things. And for sure, your sea will never run dry.

Cheers to a great life!

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