Self Promotion Is Not Shameful -Alessandra Wall - Justica Anima

Self Promotion Is Not Shameful -Alessandra Wall

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Founder of Noteworthy, Alessandra Wall, has taken to her social media to advice professional women not to shy away from self promotion. The Career Coach helping women leaders in STEM and Finance build visibility, in a LinkedIn post, encouraged women to articulate their value and show up more powerfully and effectively.

According to the Founder, one of the reasons given when she asked a group of women in tech what holds them back from confidently and consistently sharing their value at the workplace is: Self Promotion is shameful.

Another reason given is: My work and results speak for themselves. And also, Everyone already knows my capabilities and skills.

Does sharing your value feel like shameless self promotion?

For the brand visibility guru, articulating your value is not shameless or a baseless self promotion. It is a courtesy to help others understand your greatest value and how to leverage it. It is the least you can do to honor your talent and the hard work that built it.

“Your hard work has value. But working hard alone won’t clearly communicate to anyone what makes you exceptional or why they should choose you over anyone else when the right promotion, job, big project, or amazing client comes along”, the Noteworthy founder said.

In conclusion, Alessandra Wall advices professional women to never assume that people know what they do. If you are not telling them what makes you exceptional, how are they supposed to know?

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