Keep Contributing Your Quota Because I’m Watching - Justica Anima

Keep Contributing Your Quota Because I’m Watching

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Keep Contributing Your Quota Because I’m Watching

The most successful people were once mediocre and naive. -Anonymous

This weekend was full of award schemes and I tuned in with excitement as I watched two different television channels awarding some deserving and hardworking members of society for the incredible roles they have played in their respective fields. The ones that I could not watch on television were splashed all over social media for my viewing pleasure.

I have my own reservations on awards but like speech and prize giving day, I think everyone deserves an opportunity to be shown that their hardwork is paying off and being recognized. When people ask me how things are moving around me, I do not hesitate to tell them that I am not doing anything new. It’s like people are waiting on you to do something to prove to themselves that they are either on the same track or are doing better than you. I however tell people to keep doing what they are capable of because ‘I am also watching’.


I must confess that I enjoy watching people who exude excellence. Excellence in itself is something that most people are afraid to be and so finding the few who are very good at what they do is something we all must cling to. Excellence in mining, real estate, banking and finance, agriculture, fashion, and what not, are not achieved in a single day. Excellence comes from months and years of hardwork. Sleeping on your dreams can not be a part of achieving excellence.

Who’s watching?

Sometimes writing is not easy even for those of us with the passion to write. Putting together your thoughts and doing research to validate your story does not come easy. Personally, I admire people who write consistently because sometimes the mind can be blank. Day in day out high achievers will keep inspiring some of us to wake up and add our voice to the already noisy world.

There’s a saying that goes like: keep being the best at what you do for you never know who’s watching. Indeed, it It takes watching or looking up to others to become better at the things we do. So as a career woman, I personally look up to some of the beautiful and brilliant Ghanaian women and how they hold their heads up to believe that it can be done too.

What to learn

Coaching and mentoring comes in different forms and I have come to realize that learning has to be a constant effort. No

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