When my female friend shared her story with me, I felt her pain too. I could resonate with her. I knew exactly where she was driving the conversation at. Like men, women also feel emotionally rejected and yet do not communicate it. And that was exactly what my friend was growing through.
Why are some guys in the habit of flexing women at any chance they get?
They give women excuses. I’m busy. Work is hectic. My schedules have changed. Let’s reschedule. How about next week? Oh sorry, my weekend is packed. Heck! A lady needs a break.
Let’s call a spade a spade, most ladies can tell when a guy wants to pull strings on them. They just ignore the signs and try to play along.
I constantly hear guys saying, “Why are girls so dumb?” Next minute, they’re shocked at what the dumb girl is capable of. That should tell you she was probably tying the knots at the other end of the rope for safe landing.
Relationships can be hard sometimes. We all know to that. However, dear gentlemen, never leave a girl hanging or stranded. Her time is precious. And when I speak of times (and seasons) in relation to women, I hope I don’t sound stereotypical?
I just hope you understand.
So back to my friend who dated this guy for nearly six years only for him to ditch her for another person. Well, he later got married to this other lady just within a 8 month period of dating her. Now, this lady friend of mine is confused and doesn’t know where and how to start the journey from.
Of course, she needs therapy and counseling. She will definitely heal but if time heals wounds, can we recover the time wasted? I’m not being judgemental here, but I think hers is a case of wasted emotions. Better luck to her next time.
What do you also think? Send in your comments and suggestions in the comments section below. I’d love to hear your feedback.