Having ventured into social entrepreneurship and starting out as a beginner, there are a few tips and lessons picked that I’d like to share with my cherished readers. There are more entrepreneurs today than previous times in history. Many people both young and old are starting new ventures such as social enterprises. There are a number of famous entrepreneurs who made millions because they seemed to be in the right place at the right time. However it takes more than that to survive, it takes planning and implementation. Read to find out more below.
Sell yourself first then your idea. Because People buy people first before ideas. Who are you pitching to? What are your skills and talents that you are bringing on to the market?
Team building
Finding the right team for your business can be an arduous task. Know the difference between teams and friends.
Business model
What is your Unique Selling Proposition? Know your edge and what your business plan will be. Your business model should help you sustain and monetize your business. have an exit plan and let investors know how they can benefit from the business.
Pilot your idea to validate its success and sustainability. Nobody will invest in you if you have not invested resources, time and effort in your idea.
Learn about other businesses in order to do your business in a different way. Learning never ends in social entrepreneurship. Know your competition and always move a step ahead.