Ready to Change the World? Here's How You Can - Justica Anima

Ready to Change the World? Here’s How You Can

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Ready to Change the World? Here’s How You Can

At the beginning, a startup is a little more than a model on a piece of paper. -Eric Ries (The Lean StartUp)

Think about it! How can one change the world if they do not have the right skills and attitude for taking such a bold step? A lot of people complain about things that need to change and yet they themselves do nothing about it. Whoever you are, you can make contributions that bring immense changes to the world. This piece will announce those attitude and habits which you will need to conquer the world no matter who or where you are.

Stop Over Analyzing

When you overthink a particular situation, you give room for self doubt and anxiety. Practice effective planning and execution of goals within a given time period. If you want to launch a business in a few months to come, planning should take a few months and not over a year. If you’ll need to prototype, that’s another 1-3 months. For this reason, all the time and energy used in over analyzing must go into finding creative ways that can help to bring big plans into fruition.

Act Now

We need to practice acting in spite of fear. Have the audacity to put your thoughts and ideas into action. Don’t join the bandwagon who only talk about changing the world and yet do not act. If you’re willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you’re willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.

Stop hiding

A person of impact doesn’t shrink or hide. You’ll need to put your work out there and show the world what you’re capable of. Successful people who are changing the world do not appear and disappear, while leaving their audience and customers hanging. They constantly show up and give off their best. In any given moment, you have two options to step forward into growth or hide in safety. Growth must be chosen again and again if you must change the world.

Deal with Competition

We all need the confidence to handle healthy competition. Having competition is good for every growth or progress in business and in life. However, dealing with competition is an underrated skill. In the words of Brand Strategist, Maya Elious, I’d also advise that, “You should be so confident in what you offer that when people choose not to work with you or buy from you, you feel bad for them.”

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