To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries in life. – W. Somerset Maugham
Reading is a good habit that when formed, gives an individual room to travel through the thoughts of the greatest writers of all time. Although people find it difficult to read at all, reading has been found to be a useful tool for developing the soul and mind.
It also has great benefits for organizing one’s thought process. Here’s a few things to do to keep reading amid your busy schedule. These tips were compiled from my Facebook friends and have proven helpful for me so you can try it too.
If you are reading books at this point in your life, routines work. Allocate time for everything and stick to it, example, Shower 8-8:10am, breakfast 8:10am to 8:20am, Reading 9am-9:30 etc.
Use your phone reminder and set the time and it will ring at the beginning of every new task, so make sure you adhere to the time. I have found it really useful, this tip. Reading before bed is non-negotiable for me even if it’s for 30 minutes.
Are ebooks fine with you? Get them on your device and read while commuting from one place to the other. Carrying ebooks along wherever you go really helps. While on lunch break you can be feeding your mind with some few pages as well as finishing through the book effortlessly.
Start with at least a chapter a day and you’ll be to notice that you’ll be able to complete three books without noticing. Use this corona virus pandemic to finish up great reads if you can . Instead of trying to read the entire book at a go, commit to reading a specific number of pages/chapters each day and you will be good to go.
Or get an android app called librera reader. It converts any written documents to audio for you to listen to. Do well to off your internet or apps which may cause distractions.
Interesting book
Make sure that the book you choose to read is a good book. It should be one that you enjoy reading and cannot easily put away. That way, you keep coming back to reading until the end.