Welcome back to this insightful series on how to create content that leaves an impression on your readers. I’m sure by now you have drawn enough inspiration to start creating unique content with whatever channel you have. I’m glad to have found the energy to keep writing up to this point. Previously, we discussed what niche is available for content creators and how it is important to first start and figure things out later. Today, we will delve right into the concept of scheduling.
I decided to write on scheduling at the latter part when in fact I could have discussed it in the beginning of my content creation series. I figured you might need it now because you may want to postpone the idea of creating content for your brand or business. If for nothing, procrastination is what stops a lot of creators from putting out content and you do not want that to be you.
Writer’s block
As a writer, writer’s block is something most of us experience from time to time. It is the period when you get stuck and there is no motivation to put out content whatsoever. During this time, your ideas bank just goes blank and no matter how much you try, you just feel blocked out. When this happens, you definitely need some time off to refill lost energy and come up with enough creative ideas.
To beat the writer’s block, you always need to plan and have a sore of ideas. Be it in you notebook or on your laptop, creating a storyboard is like putting all your content creation ideas into context. You need to structure the way your content should come out before it actually does. This will help you easily pick up from where you started, once you are ready to write. A storyboard gives you a framework for and an idea of the content you are about to create.
You always need to put every rough work in a storage right? That is when you will need your draft box. Not publishing every post that comes to mind is part of the process too. Sometimes some posts are better left unpublished. Others can be reviewed later for publication while some may just never see the light of day and end up being deleted. Whichever way, drafted posts are very important. As you create more content, you tend to appreciate drafts. They become a sort of diary which creators revisit from time to time for ideas.
Scheduled content are prepared for a later date. The content may be ready for publication but is scheduled for a specific date, in order to make room for creators to put out automated content while having enough time on the hand to finish other equally-important tasks.
PS: More content coming up on this series.